Corrymeela News


Living Well Together with Malone College

20 Dec 2018

maloneThroughout the month of November it was Corrymeela’s pleasure to welcome all classes from Year 8 at Malone Integrated College, Belfast. Each class spent undertook team building activities at Belfast Activity Centre and then spent two days at our centre in Ballycastle engaged in a programme designed to explore diversity and good relations. We looked at healthy relationships inside the classroom and out in our communities, how we communicate well with each other, promoting the benefits of learning from our diversity and having lots of fun together.

Our programme team and volunteers enjoyed hosting the young people and teachers and look forward to continuing the work. In the new year we will produce an art piece and multimedia video to capture our learning, which we will present at a special school celebration assembly.

Thanks to the funders of the project: Belfast City Council through their Good Relations Fund; the Enkalon Foundation, WA Cadbury Trust ; St James’ Place Charitable Foundation; Stichting Het Solidariteitsfonds and the David Tyler Trust.
